Welcome to the FQA Home Page (archived December 2017)

The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts has as its purpose “to nurture and showcase the literary, visual, musical, and performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends, for purposes of Quaker expression, ministry, witness, and outreach. To these ends, we will offer spiritual, practical, and financial support as way opens.”


Blair Seitz

 A Quaker Storyteller


For a long time, Quakers refused to “observe” Christmas. So, what did they do on that day? This story imagines one family’s response. It happened in England, in the Yorkshire village of Settle, during wartime.

(The village and its meeting are quite real, as are the wartime customs described.)

The Board invites other Quaker writers to submit stories for inclusion in this monthly feature of short stories with focus on Quakers, Quakerism, autobiography, or seasonal content.



Call for Submissions for Paint Passion and Purpose



FQA is an arts ministry for Quakers and others under the care of
Trenton [New Jersey] Monthly Meeting

Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
119 Burnett St.
Baltimore, MD 21230