
TBOF = The Best of Friends
QAOL = Quaker Arts Online
All others from Types & Shadows

Juliana Blom Bates

Maria Cattell

Ebon Fisher

Margie Gaffron

Shams-ud-din Muhammad Hafez

Helen Weaver Horn

Ruth Harriet Jacobs

John Armstrong Kriebel

Jeanne Lohmann

Esther Greenleaf Mürer

Sue Parritt

Jamie Parsley

Jeneal Turnbull Ravndal

Winifred Rawlins (1907-1997)

Sherita Saffer-Campbell

Elizabeth A. Schultz

Marian Kaplun Shapiro

Charleen Smith

Virginia Masland Stetser

Candace Rodman Zhang

Prose (other than T&S articles)

FQA is an arts ministry for Quakers and others under the care of
Trenton [New Jersey] Monthly Meeting

Facebook Quakers in the Arts

Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
119 Burnett St.
Baltimore, MD 21230