Welcome to the FQA Home Page (archived February 2018)

The Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts has as its purpose “to nurture and showcase the literary, visual, musical, and performing arts within the Religious Society of Friends, for purposes of Quaker expression, ministry, witness, and outreach. To these ends, we will offer spiritual, practical, and financial support as way opens.”


FQA is looking forward to its next national Arts Project, to happen in May of 2018

“ The Arts in the Beloved Community.”

Through this theme’s events,  we hope to be open to including all types of arts and all interested artists and to bring forth the richness of the variety in humanity and nature.  Following are some queries that might help organizers and artists develop an arts event and/or discussion around this topic.  We welcome your ideas, questions, comments,  and especially specifics on name & description of your event,  date, time and location so that it may be included in publicity. Email Doris Pulone at dpulone@comcast.net  or call 609-801-1126 for more info or to chat.

Suggested Queries for thought, discussion,  art:

  1. As artists and appreciators of art, how can we most powerfully represent the richness of the planet and its people?  How can we connect our art with our concern for the earth and its inhabitants, human and other than human?  What are we, as Quaker artists, called to do?
  1. How can we express the depth and breadth of the beloved community in our artwork? And share our art with others?
  1. Do we and how can we better nourish and support a wide range of types of arts and artists  in a way that will empower us to appreciate the variety within our beloved community ?

What Blair Seitz did for fun as a boy is still his pleasure.  In his youth, he shot plenty of film behind his home near the Yellow Breeches Creek in York County, Pennsylvania.  Today, based in West Reading PA, he continues creating remarkable images with enjoyment


Blair is the photographer of 21 books.  Titles include Philadelphia and its Country, Pennsylvania Tapestry, Views from the Air, Pennsylvania’s Natural Beauty, and Amish  Ways.

 is pleased to feature One Camera, Seven Lives, on our February Home Page.  The exhibit premiered at GoggleWorksCenter for the Arts in November and December 2017 and moved to Art Plus Gallery for January 2018.

“Esther & the Heathens”

A Friendly version of the Romeo & Juliet romance,

with its own social twist

(for Valentine’s Day)

While this story is fiction, it is built around actual history.  Nothing in it is beyond the range of real events of the time among Quakers.

Last call for Submissions for Paint Passion and Purpose

due February 14th


FQA is an arts ministry for Quakers and others under the care of
Trenton [New Jersey] Monthly Meeting

Fellowship of Quakers in the Arts (FQA)
119 Burnett St.
Baltimore, MD 21230